The CLRN principles and methods, as well all relevant project results have been presented at the Multiplier Event on June 7, 2019 at the conference hall in the Cultural and scientific centre Milutin Milanković in Dalj. The project team of our school introduced the ‘connected learning’ method, it’s principles in theory and practice. SS Dalj developed and piloted 3 connected learning scenarios, focusing on media literacy, marketing, mother tongue and foreign language in the “YouTube TV channel” and “How commercials are made” scenarios and on entrepreneurship, marketing and local history in the “My place in a Code” learning scenario. The scenarios engage students of different age (15 – 17). Methods and tools used in the development of the scenarios are production centred and actively engage students’ pre-knowledge of media literacy, marketing, mother tongue and foreign language, entrepreneurship and local history. Following the CLRN principles, students worked in teams with their peers, which gave them a chance to support each other’s ideas and work, to exchange knowledge learnt in their formal education – school and informal education environment such as family or local community. An open panel discussion followed the presentation and gave positive and valuable feedback to be used in further scenarios development and piloting. All participants stated in the evaluation to be eager to pilot some of the presented scenarios in their school, or try to engage their students and colleagues in developing CLRN scenarios adjusted to their curriculum, formal and informal education opportunities, as well as their social surrounding. The CLRN publication was welcomed by participating teachers and educators as a valuable source of innovative teaching and learning materials.