
has anyone used , I heard it’s a great tool for learning programming online looks quite a challenge to enter, help will be appraciated

Box Puzzle Game Development Part 1

In my Digital Games Design and Development lessons in college I was tasked to create a slide show of my planning, progress, development and choices pertaining to my the fist game I create using GameMaker Studio 2. The following are a few slides from my project which...

Nintendo Labo

This looks like so much fun! Nintendo Labo is a new line of interactive build-and-play experiences that combine DIY creations with the magic of Nintendo Switch.  


Take some time to prepare for this hackaphon in Krakow on 10th March. Participants of the event will form teams of up to 4 people. They will create an original, inspiring solution to one of the three main categories – Health, Education and Entertainment, showing...